Contact us

Whether you’re here to learn the art of shoe cleaning, master the mysteries of dry cleaning, or simply find the best washing machine for your needs, we’re thrilled to have you.

How to Reach Us

Got a question, a suggestion, or just want to share your latest cleaning triumph? We’d love to hear from you!

Here’s how you can get in touch with our team of cleaning enthusiasts:

For general inquiries, feedback, or just to say hello, drop us an email via the contact form.

Btw: Did you know that the average person spends about 6 hours a week doing laundry? That’s 312 hours a year! Imagine what you could do with all that extra time if you had the right tips and tools. Spoiler alert: We’ve got those tips and tools right here on our site.

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PS: Why did the vacuum cleaner break up with the broom? Because it found the broom too “sweeping” and needed a little more “suction” in its life! Okay, we admit, our jokes might be a bit “dusty,” but we promise our cleaning tips are top-notch.

Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your cleaning goals. Remember, a clean space is a happy place!

Stay clean, and keep shining!

The Crown Classic Cleaners Team